Masinga Project

Masinga Project

Project description:

TARDA has set aside approximately 3,000 Ha (7500 acres) classified as arable and suitable for agricultural development in Embu county. The said land is suitable for dry land and irrigation farming; particularly in livestock, fodder, nutritional crops (beans, maize, green grams, sorghum, millet) and horticulture.

It is situated on both sides of the Tana River adjacent to Masinga Dam multipurpose reservoir in Embu County. The 3000 Ha will be assigned to maize production and other crops can be considered for crop rotation through a lease arrangement with private investors.

Figure 3: Map for Masinga Irrigation Project

Project Objectives:

  • Mitigate against food insecurity.
  • Produce crop varieties in 3000 Ha
  • Create employment for 45,000 people thus improving livelihoods for approximately 2700 households
  • Stabilise the cost of food in the nearby counties and the whole country by extension.
  • Revenue generation for the Authority.
  • Bridge National staple food supply shortfall.

Project Purpose: To contribute towards national food security.

Project Benefits:

  • Produce 300,000 bags of maize per year to contribute to food security as part of the Big Four Agenda.
  • Create 45,000 direct and indirect jobs per year.
  • Save the country from foreign exchange loss through imports.
  • Enhanced national peace building and national security due to cohesion.
  • Generation of revenue for the Authority.
  • Reduction of social inequalities between rural and urban communities.

Project Challenges:

  • Water use conflict between energy production and agriculture.
  • Dilapidated existing water delivery system and irrigation infrastructure.
  • Inadequate funding to install irrigation infrastructure to open up the 3000 ha under irrigation
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