The overall mandate of TARDA is integrated planning and coordination of all development projects within the Tana and Athi River Basins and specifically to implement any projects for the purpose of utilization and protection of water and soils of the area.
Specifically, TARDA is charged with the following under the Act:
- To advise the Government generally and the Ministries set out in the schedule in particular on all matters affecting the development of the area including the apportionment of resources.
- To draw up and keep up to date, a long-range development plan for the area.
- To initiate such studies, and to carry out such surveys of the area as it may consider necessary, and to assess alternative demands within the Area on the resources thereof, including electricity power generation, irrigation, wildlife, land and other resources and, to recommend economic priorities.
- To co-ordinate the various studies of, and schemes within the area, so that human, water, animal, land and other resources are utilized to the best advantage, and to monitor the design and execution of planned projects within the area.
- To effect a programme of monitoring of the performance of projects within the Area so as to improve that performance and establish responsibility therefore and to improve future planning.
- To ensure close co-operation between all agencies concerned with the abstraction and use of water within the area in the setting up of effective monitoring of that abstraction and use.
- To collect, assemble and correlate all such data related to the use of water and other resources within the Area as may be necessary for the efficient forward planning of the area.
- To maintain a liaison between the Government, the private sector and foreign agencies in the matter of the development of the area with a view to limiting the duplication of effort and to assuring the best use of technical resources.
- To render assistance in operating agencies in their applications for loan funds if required, and
- To cause the construction of any works necessary for the protection and utilization of the water and soils of the area.