Kenya Climate Change Adaptation Programme (KCCAP)

TARDA’s mandate and jurisdiction contributes positively to several sectors of the economy and development. Some of the key sectors that TARDA’s activities in socio-economic development have had impacts over the years include; Natural Resource Studies, Conservation of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Food Security; Energy Generation, Tourism Development, Water Harvesting and Storage and Technological Transfer. The achievements realized in conservation, natural resources development and management as well as climate change mitigation programs can be attributed mainly to good governance and the ability to manage the shared resources.

The main objective of the integrated adaptation programme is to enhance resilience and adaptive capacity to climate change for communities in various Counties within TARDA jurisdiction in order to increase food security and environmental management.

Specific objectives to be addressed while undertaking projects and programs is;

  • Enhancing Climate resilient agricultural, agro-forestry, pastoral and agro-pastoral production systems to improve food security in Kenya.
  • Improving climate resilient water management systems to enhance food security in Kenya.
  • Disaster risk reduction among targeted vulnerable communities for climate related risks in Kenya.
  • Strengthening institutional capacity, knowledge management, awareness raising and promotion of adaptation mechanisms to improve resilience on climate change to selected vulnerable communities in Kenya

As a response to the challenges posed by climate change to Kenya, the Authority has contributed in efforts to curb the adverse impacts of climate change through the adaptation and mitigation measures. For instance, TARDA projects and programmes are geared towards achievement of food security in key sectors such as agriculture, water resource management & utilization, Tourism, Livestock/pastoralism and physical infrastructure including transportation and telecommunication networks.

Within the Integrated Programme to build resilience to climate change and adaptive capacity of vulnerable communities in Kenya, a programme that was funded by the Adaptation Fund, TARDA is implementing five (5) projects. These projects are meant to enhance climate change resilience for improved food security in selected Counties, improve on the climate resilient water management systems by establishing appropriate physical assets and infrastructure for water harvesting, storage and irrigation.

Some of the projects being undertaken currently under the climate change programme in Tana Basin County include:

  1. Construction of a Fish cold storage plant at Ekalakala to serve 400 fishermen (20 Beach Management Units), in Machakos County.
  2. Construction of a community fruit processing plant in Murang’a County.
  3. Construction of 3 (three) check dams to reduce siltation and provide water for domestic and small scale irrigation in Embu, Murang’a and Nyeri counties and
  4. Complete the establishment of 80 hectare small holder community Irrigation Scheme in Ngetani area of Masinga sub-county in Machakos County to serve 80 households and 400 direct beneficiaries.


1 Smallholder Irrigation Project Complete Commissioned
2 3 Check dams Complete Commissioned
3 Fruit processing plant 5% complete Not Commissioned
4 Fish Cooling Plant 10%complete Not Commissioned


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