Tana Delta Irrigation Project (TDIP)

Tana Delta Irrigation Project (TDIP)

The project is located in Tana River and Lamu County with a total of 31,000 Ha. Project area is 110 km north of Malindi and lies on the left bank of the river Tana from Sailoni in the north, where the TDIP intake is constructed. The project is shared in the two counties of Tana River (26,000) and Lamu (5,000Ha):

The 2000 ha due for rehabilitation and implementation in Phase I was developed for rice production in terms of water delivery canals, farm layouts, rice mill (complex), farm estate and flood protection dykes. Further expansion of rice up to 3,000Ha is envisaged in Phase II, including Sugar (16,000Ha), Integrated Solar investments (600Ha) and Livestock/environmental conservation in 2300Ha.

Rehabilitation and expansion works will ensure sufficient water supply to the farm to support 2000Ha of rice farming and serve 17 villages whose family livelihoods depend on this delivery canal.

The private investor(s) will undertake all infield/on-farm infrastructure investments to include the rehabilitation of the farm machinery, rice mill complex restoration, installation of a rice baler and colour-sorter systems.

Project Benefits:

  • Produce rice crop 2000 ha to deliver on 11000 MT of white rice
  • Create direct and indirect employment for 50,000 people
  • Stabilise the price of rice in the markets around the project area.
  • Revenue generation for the Authority.
  • Bridge the white rice supply shortfall and save the country foreign exchange.
  • Restore water supply for domestic use and livestock production to 8 villages of 1,662 households with a population of 8,600 people.
  • Restore water supply to lower Tana River village irrigation schemes.

Project Purpose: To promote national food security and enhance livelihoods for the local communities.

Project Challenges: The main challenges at the Tana delta include: Tana River aversion causing water shortage to the farm and Rehabilitation of canal infrastructure and flood protection dykes.

In order to realize the production of rice and sugar in a sustainable manner, the following improvements need to be done:

  • Expansion of the intake works
  • Extension of the flood protection dykes
  • Expansion of the water delivery infrastructure
  • River training and diversion (Ref Map 2 of the Delta)
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