Goal and Strategic Objectives

Goal and Strategic objectives

The Authority’s goal is to contribute in achieving Kenya Vision 2030 by implementing strategies for sustainable development and optimal use of natural resources to enhance and sustain livelihoods within its area of Jurisdiction. The Authority’s focus is to attain Organizational Stability and Sustainable Development through enhanced integrated natural resources management.

The Strategic Objectives of TARDA are:

  • Strategic Objective 1: To strengthen the institutional human capital capacity for optimal service delivery.
  • Strategic Objective 2: To enhance TARDA’s financial stability.
  • Strategic Objective 3: To adopt the use of modern technology for operational efficiency in institutional processes, procedures and products.
  • Strategic Objective 4: To enhance natural resources studies and integrated planning to inform the potential for sustainable resource utilization and development.
  • Strategic Objective 5: To implement natural resource-based development projects and promote basin-based investments for sustainable development and enhanced livelihoods.
  • Strategic Objective 6: To implement climate change adaptation and mitigation programs to build resilience of vulnerable communities.
  • Strategic Objective 7: To develop broad consultative and collaborative frameworks with stakeholders for coordinated integrated development.
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