Integrated Ecosystem Restoration In Athi River Basin.
Overall Objective: To improve water security for sustainable livelihoods through clean up, maintenance, setting up of solid waste & effluent discharge control mechanisms to restore and conserve Athi River system for improved water quality and sustainable livelihoods.
Brief Description: The project coverage extends some 32,000 square km within the upper and middle Athi basin. The human population lack sufficient sewage and solid waste disposal system that leads to pollution of both rivers and riparian area.
The main challenges are pollution from continued sewer bursts due to dilapidated sewerage infrastructure coupled with inadequate carrying capacity, direct effluent discharge by factories, riparian residential areas not connected to sewerage system and direct pollution from informal settlements along the rivers. As a permanent solution to address the issue of pollution from the informal settlement and also encroachment of the riparian reserve, it is proposed that all people living in the riparian area be relocated. The alternative to relocation is provision of proper housing with drainage and sewage as well as solid waste disposal systems in a planned community.
TARDA, within its mandate prioritizes inventory of pollution sources, stoppage of illegal discharge and restoration of the rivers. The Authority is however, constrained by financial resources and requires support and cooperation from donors, bilateral & multilateral partners, lead agencies, National and County governments if it is to realize its mission.
Expected outputs: 10 tributaries of Athi River de-silted and cleaned, 75ha of hyacinth mechanically removed, 15 illegal dump sites removed and 4 solid waste management sites developed, 10 recreation parks developed, 833ha of Riparian land reclaimed, 10 million Trees Planted, 250 people trained on riparian ecosystem management and creation of 10,000 jobs.
Estimated project cost: Kshs.22 billion
Implementation Period: 6 Years