TARDA Keen on Youth Empowerment for Environmental Conservation.
Tana and Athi Rivers Development Authority Managing Director Mr.Liban Roba on Friday brought to a close a five day youth empowerment training held at TARDA Godown offices located along Dundori Road in South B.
The training, which ran from 16th to 21st May, 2022, was organized by LATEWA Community Based Organization and aimed at bridging the gap in access to justice for the marginalized and special groups in Kenya through a multi sectoral approach.
Different speakers addressed the youth throughout the week and tackled various topics ranging from social justice, environmental conservation, waste management ,climate change, deforestation, among others. The training emphasized on the need to empower the youth and to inspire them to take action towards preserving the environment.
The successful completion of the training was marked with a tree planting ceremony which was graced by the Nairobi women representative Hon. Esther Passaris , the Assistant County Commissioner, Nairobi South(Michael Aswani) as well as the area chief(Mr. Mwatha).
The Collaboration between TARDA and LATEWA Arts Cbo is in its fourth year with the efforts facilitated by TARDA’s Starehe sub-county coordinator Ms. Rebecca Bor.