Our Directorates
The Management of Tana and Athi Rivers Development Authority is vested in the Board of Directors who provide policy and oversight while the day-to-day operations are delegated to the Managing Director (MD).
The Authority is organized into four (4) Directorates and four (4) Departments directly reporting to the MD as indicated below:
- Natural Resources Conservation
- Natural Resources planning and Development
- Investment and Business Development
- Corporate Services
- Corporation Secretary & Legal Services
- Corporate & Planning
- Supply Chain Management
- Internal Audit
- Directorate Natural Resources Conservation
The directorate is responsible for overall coordination of Natural Resources Conservation functions in the Authority.
- Directorate Resource Planning And Development
The directorate is responsible for conducting and coordinating the natural resources planning and resources development function for the Authority; oversee integrated regional development planning, development of projects and programmes, conducting resource studies, research and data collation, analysis, sharing and repository/management for the Authority.
- Directorate Resource Mobilization/ Investment And Business Development
The directorate is responsible for developing and executing the resource mobilization strategy, identifying, marketing new business opportunities and value chain ventures campaigns to raise capital and sustainable revenue streams from the enterprises for the Authority. The directorate will also develop and oversee a comprehensive fundraising/resource mobilization program with the purpose of securing significant resources for implementation of Authority’s strategy, projects, programs and Investments.
- Directorate Corporate Services
The directorate is responsible for overseeing the development of policies, procedures and programmes in corporate services and the management of the financial and Human resources of the Authority.
- Corporation Secretary And Legal Services
The department is responsible for all legal matters and gives guidance on Corporate Governance.
- Supply Chain Management
The department is responsible for overall development and implementation of the supply chain management strategies, policies, structures, procedures and plans, coordinates procurement of goods, works and services, inventory management.
- Corporate Planning And Strategy
The department is responsible for conducting research, development and implementation of the Strategic Plan, Quality Management System, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, and Risk Management.
- Internal Audit
The department is responsible for preparing and implementing a risk-based audit plan to assess, report on, and make suggestions for improving the Authorities key operational and finance activities and internal controls.