Dams, Water Pans & Boreholes

Some of the programmes/projects which have been implemented over the years include;

Kibirigwi Irrigation scheme

This was the first project that TARDA studied and implemented to enable the local communities access water for irrigation in their farms. The success of the project is always seen because it promoted production of family foods, employment as well as commercial farming along sagana-Karatina road.

Rupingazi and Thanantu Valley Irrigation Scheme

Studies on the two (2) sites were carried out for projects implementation under similar model of the Kibirigwi but unfortunately they were not implemented due to lack of financial resources.

Kiambu, Murangá, Nyeri, Embu, Makueni, Kajiado & Tana Delta Counties

Recently, promotion of food security and employment has been carried out by TARDA in dry and semi-arid areas of the above counties through enabling the communities gain access to water for their family food production. This includes construction of water pans, solar propelled boreholes, water intakes development and reticulation systems.

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