1.Where is the Head office for TARDA located?

Dundori Road, Industrial Area

2.What are TARDA’s operating hours and days?

TARDA working hours are 8am-5pm Monday-Friday

3.Does TARDA have regional offices?

TARDA has Regional offices in Machakos, and Embu

4.What are TARDA’s social media handles?
•Website- www.tarda.go.ke
•Email- info@tarda.go.ke
•X(formely twitter) -@ TardaKE
•Instagram-@ tarda_ke
•Facebook- Tana and Athi Rivers Development Authority
•Youtube -TARDAKE

5.What are some of TARDA community contact projects?
•Tana Delta Irrigation project(TDIP)
•Masinga Dam Resort
•Kiambere Multipurpose Reservoir

6.How can one buy TARDA honey?

•Honey can be purchased at our offices and payment is done through:
Paybill 222222 –Account Name- KGHS
•Call Tel: 020 – 3341788/2

7.How can one report a complaint or give feedback and suggestions about TARDA?
•For complaints email complaints@tarda.go.ke
•For feedback and suggestions email info@tarda.go.ke or
•Fill Feedback form available on the website.

8.How can I get information from TARDA?
• For inquires fill a form available on the website.
• Visit our physical offices. Call Tel: 020 – 3341788/2

9.What is the procedure when schools or group visits are planned to tour Masinga and Kiambere Powerhouses and Dams.

TARDA owns the Masinga and Kiambere Dams while KENGEN operates the power generating machines.
•TARDA/KENGEN collaboration on the visits.
•Email – alicem.njeru@gmail.com
Or – info@tarda.go.ke
•Call Tel: 0721 279 120 (KENGEN)

10.Hospitality services at Masinga Dam Resort (MDR)

TARDA operates a Resort at Masinga, Machakos County.

• Email:- masingadamresort@tarda.go.ke
• Call Tel: – 0114 639 579
0728 054 584

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