Catchment Rehabilitation Programmes
As one of the core mandates of the Authority, TARDA has been carrying out conservation programmes within its two river systems particularly in conserving the riparian lands, tree planting programmes and establishment of tree nurseries not only in TARDA land but also in conjunction with communities, county governments and institutions. The Authority established and maintains four (4) certified tree nurseries for the purposes of management of the catchment area within Tana and Athi River basins. The tree nurseries are:- Masinga, Tana Bridge, Machakos and Kinangop tree nurseries. The nurseries have a holding capacity of 2.5 million seedlings. Apart from the five tree nurseries, the Authority is also working with the communities in the regions in tree seedling production and planting in the catchment areas. The authority also engages in soil and water conservation activities including terracing and construction of check dams. The programme also engages farmers in commercial afforestation as part of catchment rehabilitation and riverine protection.